Monday, March 16, 2009

Argentine researchers visit Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Miami

Federico Bert (School of Agronomy) and Santiago Rovere (School of Engineering), both at the University of Buenos Aires visited project colleagues at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) outside Chicago. During the week of March 2-6, 2009, Santiago and Federico worked with ANL’s Mike North and Eric Tatara on the design and implementation of the second phase of the project’s agent-based model of agricultural production in the Pampas. This phase will involve endogenous formation of land rental prices in the Pampas, as well as a GIS space for visualization of model output.

After their stay at ANL, Santiago and Federico spent a week visiting project participants at the University of Miami. They met with  Don Olson to explore if the agent model and a systems dynamics model (i.e., two different approaches) arrive at similar results. They also met with Dave Krantz (visiting from Columbia University), Kenny Broad and Bob Meyer who provided useful advice on decision-making mechanisms.



Santiago Rovere, Mike North and Federico Bert in Chicago.

Federico Bert at the entrance of ANL’s Center for Complex Adaptive Agent Systems Simulation.



Dave Krantz (Columbia Univ.), Kenny Broad and Bob Meyer (Univ. of Miami), Santiago Rovere and Federico Bert.

Santiago Rovere and Federico Bert meet with Don Olson.

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