Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Preparing Ph.D. Graduates for Climate-Change Careers

Federico Bert (Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires) participated in the 2008 edition of the Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research (DISCCRS), that took place in the Tonto National Forest outside Phoenix, Arizona on November 2-9, 2008.

DISCCRS is aimed at early career Ph.D.-level researchers and aims to catalyze the formation of collegial interdisciplinary interactions. The 2008 DISCCRS Symposium involved 34 early-career scholars from 10 different countries (see photo below). Participants received training through keynote presentations, experiential learning, small group exercises and informal interactions. Skills emphasized were those deemed essential to effective interdisciplinary work: communication, interpersonal and team development skills,

For more information about DISCCRS, visit the project’s WWW site, which also includes career resources on topics such as professional development, job hunting, proposal writing and other topics.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Plenary meeting of Argentine project participants

A plenary meeting of Argentine researchers and stakeholders participating in this project took place in Buenos Aires on 31 October 2008. The meeting was held at the Buenos Aires headquarters of the Asociación Argentina de Consorcios Regionales de Experimentación Agrícola (AACREA).

Modeling Applications for Decision Support in Agriculture

Guillermo Podestá, project coordinator, attended a workshop intended to introduce researchers, practitioners and stakeholders to the application of modeling and climate forecasting as a strategy to mitigate production risks associated with climate variability and change. The workshop took place at the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil, October 28-30, 2008.

The workshop was part of the activities of project “Decision Support System for Risk Reduction in Agriculture – Phase II: Soybean DSS for Eastern Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul”, supported by the Small Grant Program of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). Our CNH project is collaborating with this project.

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>> See presentation by Podestá (PDF, 2473 KB)